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Living this lifestyle in the name of love...

Image by Thomas Kelley

The military lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. Being a military spouse can present a whole host of unique challenges, including loss, being geographically distant from support systems, living consistently in the unknown, pressure, and marriage issues. You may be moving constantly; never knowing where “home” will be in the coming months or years. As a military spouse, isolation and ongoing stress may be old, familiar friends of yours.
Allowing someone to support you through your own duty is of paramount importance. Often, seeing a familiar face weekly or bi-weekly is a great way to welcome structure in what can feel like a very unstructured life. When you work with Holly, you will collaborate on ways to improve your overall well-being. As a military spouse, you may often put yourself last on the priority list. Showing up to therapy and attending to your own needs is essential to your self-care, and inevitably translates to showing up more fully for others. As the saying goes, we cannot pour from an empty cup. You deserve to live a vibrant, full, and blooming life!

Military families live a life that is unique compared to that of the civilian population. Often, this lifestyle can bring forth intense stress, relationship challenges and frequent transitions. Toxic stress, anxiety, and depression are common among spouses of military service members. It is so important to take care of those who serve our country, but it is equally important to take care of their partners who also sacrifice so much for our country. Holly is here for you, and there is no need to shoulder all of this on
your own.

Having a therapist who is also a military spouse allows an unending amount of empathy and understanding of YOUR needs.

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